My Records Now Personal Health Records EMR cloud-based system
This patient facing Personal Health Records system as provided to all patients enrolled in a physician-based Telehealth, Remote Patient Monitoring or Chronic Care Management Program is capable of consolidating a patient’s medical records from every certified EHR in North America. Once the records are downloaded from any Patient Portal, they can be uploaded to the My record Now Platform where they are parsed, normalized, and reconciled into one “Unified Longitudinal Medical record”.
"The sole purpose for this solution was to ensure that every physician with whom the patient ever presents to in any fashion, is afforded every piece of medical history data on the patient, absent not one piece, that if known, would have changed or altered their resulting diagnosis and treatment of care. If medicine is a science, then the science is the data, absent such, we are forever more doomed to only practice medicine"
Robert E. Higgs – Founder/CEO of Global Care International

What is the My Records Now Virtual Lifetime Personal Health Records Data Management System?
Simply put, the platform is an EHR class personal records silo of data of the patient’s medical history. The platform has the ability of serving as an independent HIE (Health Information Exchange). This is made possible by its unique ability to transmit and more importantly retrieve and decompile a patient’s medical data from a distant and disparate EHR operating systems for assembly of said data in an SQL database whereby the data is now made useful. (Capable of being queried, retrieved, analyzed etc.)
The Platform is owned by the patient and collectively maintained by both the patient and any/all care providers or institutions providing medical services. The solution contains all seventeen (17) sections of a Continuity of Care NIST Document. The system includes a native DICOM viewer for use with unstructured data such as imaging files.

Overview of the HIE Class My Records Now Personal Health Records Web Portal
HIE Capable (C-CDA, CCD, CDA, CCR, XML) PHR Includes the Following:
- Demographic Information
- Emergency Information
- Profile Photo (Biometrics Capable)
- History of Procedures and Date – CPT4 & HCPCS Reporting Capable
- History of Previous Illness and Conditions (60+ identified) – ICD9/10 Reporting Capable
- Surgical History – ICD-9/10, CPT4 Reporting Capable
- Activities/Social History – SNOMED Reportable
- Pregnancy Status
- Family History
- Allergies: Drug, Air Borne & Other – Rx & ICD9/10 Reporting Capable
- Patient Directives
- Medications Listing (Active & Inactive) Rx Norm Reportable
- Immunizations and Date – CPT4 Reporting Capable
- Master Problem List – ICD9/10 & SNOMED Reporting Capable
- Lab and Diagnostics Results – CPT & LOINC Reporting Capable
- History of Physician and Clinician Notes
- History of Encounters with Details – EM and CPT Reporting
- Home Health Management w/ Remote Monitoring & Intervention
- Longitudinal Care Plan (Actions & Instructions)
- Supporting Medical Files to include Imaging, Report Findings, Lab Results etc. (Solution includes a Native Generic DICOM Viewer)

Functional Capabilities: (Partial Listing)
- Legacy Systems Interoperability (Bi-Directional using HL7 C-CDA)
- HIPAA and 2014 Stage II & Stage III MU Compliant
- eTelehealth Capable (Patient to Physician and Physician to Patient)
- ISeeYouNow HD Video Conferencing (P2P WebRtc)
- Symptoms Checker Differential Diagnosis Algorithm Solution
- Medical Resource Library to include Patient Education
- Consolidate My Records (Auto or Manual Retrieval of Records from Disparate Systems)
- Share Medical records with Care Providers – 5 Secure Methods
- Smart Card – Patient to Physician Solution (See Note 1)
- eTelehealth – Patient to Physician (See Note 2)
- ICMyDoctor – Patient to Physician (See Note 3)
- Direct Email Exchange – Patient to Physician (See Note 4)
- My Records Now – Apple and Android (Phones & Tablets)

Note 1 – Solution based on the same authentication and encryption as used by the US DOD CAC Smart Card (Intl. Deployment only)
Note 2 – Solution never “sends the actual data” The Physician is brought to the data with the ability to view and download
Note 3 – Solution communicates to a Subscribing remote Physician EHR Web Portal in structured data format
Note 4 – Solution uses a Proprietary Direct Messaging Encrypted Email Exchange with Authentication
Note 5 – API’s available for integrating the solutions to 3rd party solutions
Examples of “My Records Now” on an iPhone 10 (6 of 58 Screens)